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Sometimes the timing is perfect ! 
We had heard that 420 was heading our way with 6644 leading, and if things worked out just right, we would be at the CP - BCRY interchange at the same time as his southbound passage. Sure enough, we heard him call the signals at Essa and our unit was in the perfect position to be in the shot too.  I love the "human element" in railroading, and when I saw I had also captured the two Conductors exchanging waves, it made my day.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Steve Bradley all rights reserved.

Caption: Sometimes the timing is perfect ! We had heard that 420 was heading our way with 6644 leading, and if things worked out just right, we would be at the CP - BCRY interchange at the same time as his southbound passage. Sure enough, we heard him call the signals at Essa and our unit was in the perfect position to be in the shot too. I love the "human element" in railroading, and when I saw I had also captured the two Conductors exchanging waves, it made my day.

Steve Bradley [85] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/06/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 6644 (search)
Train Symbol: 420 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mactier Sub (search)
City/Town: Utopia (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=42031
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Photo ID: 40821

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  1. Excellent!

  2. Nice shot!

  3. Steve, as usual, great shot, multi-decades between BCRY 1001 and CP.’s 6644, three different colour schemes and a very nice human touch conductor to conductor ! Good timing plus skill ! By the way, any more stored railway cars on BCRY ? Thanks for posting

  4. Thanks for the positive feedback guys. The right place at the right time !
    No more storage cars at the moment but that could change with one set-off.

  5. This is crazy! I’m really hoping to get back up to see the BCRY this summer for the first time since the Collingwood abandonment (where I would see BCRY in Stayner). Amazing shot!

  6. Very nice Steve! Could be another candidate for shot of the Year and nice to see the Railway employees involved!

  7. Awesome.

  8. Isaac — The active track only goes about one mile west of Utopia now and it is used for car storage. Only thing left in Stayner is the rail. All the active industries are in Barrie and Innisfil.

  9. Should have clarified. I would be catching it on the active stretch of track. I only mentioned Stayner because that’s the last time I caught it.

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