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Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul Santos all rights reserved.

Caption: Sold CP Rail SD40-2 had it's "CP RAIL" painted out and KXHR reporting marks applied under it's numbers. This stands for the Knoxville and Holsten River Railroad.

Paul Santos [813] (more) (contact)
Date: December 22, 2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: KXHR 5749 (search)
Train Symbol: SD40-2 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Agincourt Yard (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=27542
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Photo ID: 26385

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  1. I remember shooting this locomotive switching on an eastbound at Lambton/West Torontoin 1975 with my first camera….all I thought was.. these new Sd’s squashed the FA’s out to pasture for good…

  2. Does this mean this unit will NOT be getting cut up at K&K ?

  3. But as of yesterday this is registered in UMLER for the parent company Knoxville Locomotive Works/ KLWX

  4. Can’t remember but is 5727 still on the roster or was she sold as well and going to K&K ?

  5. 5727 is joining 5749 in going to the KXHR.

  6. So thats two of the 5 now restencilled/ substencilled if you will, as KXHR; are 5698 and DME 6092, 6211 also KXHR ??

  7. Correct, those are the 5 units that have been restencilled

  8. Can anyone go in, sign a form and walk around. Or do you have to have special permission. I haven’t seen an Sd40 in years and want to see one before they are gone. Tanks for the help. :)

  9. It’s not like it was years ago when you could sign a release form. It would probably have to be with special permission. The best bet would be to try and catch one of the expressway way trains as 5833 has been running on that train frequently.

  10. Thanks for the tip. Do you know when and where I could catch that train? Thanks.

  11. Your best bet would be at the Trafalgar Road (just south of the 401)bridge in Milton as you can see some of the operation and departure/arrival of the train.

  12. Thanks. If I’m lucky, the picture should be up here soon.

  13. One last time – all 5 locos sold ( and registered) to KLWX, will be/have been stencilled as KXHR ??? Thanks

  14. Yes, they have all been restencilled, I have photographic evidence :)

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