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So many signs, logos and symbols, all seen in such a small space. Some safety related, some patriotic, some brand related, and some more relevant in the current age than ever before. DANGER 600 VOLTS, CN, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, JUST SAY NO TO CRO, CAUTION NO FOOTBOARD, 5849, WARNING REMOTE CONTROL LOCOMOTIVE, automatic door, STOP.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David Vincent all rights reserved.

Caption: So many signs, logos and symbols, all seen in such a small space. Some safety related, some patriotic, some brand related, and some more relevant in the current age than ever before. DANGER 600 VOLTS, CN, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, JUST SAY NO TO CRO, CAUTION NO FOOTBOARD, 5849, WARNING REMOTE CONTROL LOCOMOTIVE, automatic door, STOP.

David Vincent [80] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/31/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: GTW 5849 (search)
Train Symbol: Hamilton Yard Job (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Hamilton (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43846
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Photo ID: 42624

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  1. Delta Oscar Tango hotel India Sierra Delta Oscar November Tango Sierra Tango Echo Alpha Lima tango hotel alpha tango Papa hotel Oscar tango Oscar

  2. Just say no to CRO. Great shot!

  3. It’s back in Hamilton. Heard it on the radio. Saw it on Friday.

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