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Six axle MLW C630-M 2005 built 1967 with MLW C-424 3233 are headed toward Hamilton with a load of ore destined for Dofasco. These standard hopper cars would be replaced later with cylindrical hopper cars which had two wheels on top which looked like they came off a wheelbarrow. The wheels were used to open the top doors for loading iron ore pellets which originated at the Sherman Mine in Temagami.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dave Burroughs all rights reserved.

Caption: Six axle MLW C630-M 2005 built 1967 with MLW C-424 3233 are headed toward Hamilton with a load of ore destined for Dofasco. These standard hopper cars would be replaced later with cylindrical hopper cars which had two wheels on top which looked like they came off a wheelbarrow. The wheels were used to open the top doors for loading iron ore pellets which originated at the Sherman Mine in Temagami.

Dave Burroughs [128] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/1968 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2005 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 449 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Bayview Jct / Oakville Sub (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=35017
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  1. Did you find a long-lost shoe box Dave? You’ve been posting some really nice shots lately!

  2. Dave, you are putting ole’ AWM to shame here…

  3. Great shot. I never ran the ore train with these types of hoppers. Only the cylindrical ones. LOL, love the sticks where the white flags shot be. Every time I put them up on the point they would be gone before you got back.

  4. Dave, if its 1968 and you say this is train 449, is it not the Ft Erie (Aliquippa PA) ore train ?
    The Dofasco train was 440/441, was it not ?

  5. 448/449 were train numbers from the 1990′s
    Ore trains were U730/731

  6. U868 / U869 was the ore train at some point

  7. @snake..it seems they changed the numbers frequently. When i ran them to Hamilton from Jane St they were 730/731

  8. Bruce, I have the slide marked as 449. Thought it was 449/450. Rob, no show box, just dug into some of the slide trays. I seem to go in fits and starts. More coming.

  9. Nah! Arnold has many times the number of pics posted here than I have. Just trying to filter out some of the better compositions or subject matter and share them. Just wish I had used Kodachrome in the early days of my slide taking.

  10. The so-called ‘Dane’ ore trains ( from the Adams Mine on the ONR) were operated in a joint effort by ONR-CN-NYC-P&LE, to the Jones & Laughlin steel mill at Aliquipa PA. These began in mid1963 and continued into the early 80s. The train numbers were 448 from North Bay to Toronto; 449 Toronto to Ft Erie; 450 for empties from Ft Erie to Toronto; and 451 for the empties back to North Bay. Yes, I realize there was a Newmarket Sub merchandise freight numbered 451 at one point around 1970. At that time, the ‘Dane’ ore became simply 449 for the loads and 450 for empties.
    Dave – I calculate the date of this photo as approximately Jan 21. In my notebook for Jan1968, I didn’t see this train, however, on Jan 19 I did see train 308 (Sarnia-Toronto) with these engines.

  11. Bruce, you could be right, late January. I wonder where I got the idea that these trains were headed for Dofasco. Maybe after the cylindrical hoppers came into service. I have pictures of the ore train down the N&NW at Dofasco.

  12. Ore trains 730/731 did indeed go to the “bayfront” at Dafasco and yes at that point they did have a mix of CN and ONR short cylindrical hoppers.

  13. Would this be taken on the New Year’s Day when everybody got together at Bayview.

  14. Bruce, entirely possible but if you read the comments posted by Bruce Mercer, he thinks it was Jan 21. I am more inclined to say that his notes are more accurate than mine. It was not until 1970 that I started logging rather than tagging the slides when I got them back from processing.

  15. IIRC, the U868, U869 numbers were the late 70′s(from peaking through the Condcutors timetable on the Northlnader). It was 730, 731 when I was hired on in 1981.

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