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Sitting cold and quiet, her fire last dropped 58 years ago, CNR 6167 looks right at home in John Galt Park.  The 6167 Restoration Team, a part of Guelph Museums', has been slowly working away since the Northern was moved to this site in November 2020.  Work has included coupling the locomotive and tender together, including moving the tender by hand; reinstalling the driving box cellars; reinstalling grease pans in trailing truck journals; and finally adding the CNR herald to both sides of the tender.  6167 is planned to be fully repainted in the next year or two, and the city will be installing a hydro hookup for continued restoration.For anyone in on it... benches at right :)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jacob Patterson all rights reserved.

Caption: Sitting cold and quiet, her fire last dropped 58 years ago, CNR 6167 looks right at home in John Galt Park. The 6167 Restoration Team, a part of Guelph Museums', has been slowly working away since the Northern was moved to this site in November 2020. Work has included coupling the locomotive and tender together, including moving the tender by hand; reinstalling the driving box cellars; reinstalling grease pans in trailing truck journals; and finally adding the CNR herald to both sides of the tender. 6167 is planned to be fully repainted in the next year or two, and the city will be installing a hydro hookup for continued restoration.

For anyone in on it... benches at right :)

Jacob Patterson [584] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/23/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CNR 6167 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: N/A (search)
City/Town: Guelph (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50941
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  1. Fence the locomotive, please. I love this locomotive, and the money spent to move it to this park would have been better used toward restoring it to service.
    This photo does do an admirable job of making her look reasonably cared for as of this date. I’m glad to learn of an active restoration committee tending to her most important mechanical regions. Keep her painted, oiled and greased. Perhaps her day may come again.

  2. Why fence it? It’s part of a city park and not hidden away, the place is safe, lots of other exhibits down there too…

    Tonnes of visibility and tonnes of attention where it is.

    On April 29 we’re going to have it on display with the GHRA’s equipment (www.ghra.ca) for doors open guelph bringing hundreds of folks from out of town to see it and other railway things.

  3. Well, you sure did a wonderful job on this image, Jacob.

  4. Thanks Arnold. Richard, the first site (1967-2010) was fenced and the locomotive received minor vandalism numerous times. It’s second site (2010-2020) saw the fence removed and only 2-3 instances of graffiti, all markings smaller than a handprint. So far here, it’s has been safe. It’s in a park, alongside a trail, right at a major intersection (sidewalk at far left), and across the street from a condo building. We’ve received many comments about how nice it is to have it open as it becomes tactile. Many families using it for portraits (and one having a picnic on the front end). The trail being patrolled by police a few times each night probably helps too.

    A decent bit of paint and grease applied during the last year. :)

  5. Great image. The number boards and headlight would look nice illuminated. Time for a road trip.

  6. Nice night photo with the snow Jacob.

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