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Since the spring, several BNSF four-axle units have been assigned to CN locals across Ontario and Quebec to repay back horsepower hours owed to CN by BNSF. On June 19, BNSF GP38-2 2090 was seen after being set-off by L533 in the Kitchener, Ontario yard. Since then, the unit was assigned to L568 however it had never led west, only east on a couple occasions before being placed as the middle unit in the consist. Then on June 29, came word that L568 was departing Kitchener with BNSF 2090 leading, although it was long hood forward. At this point it’s good enough for me after waiting more than a week for it to lead.

Here CN L568 is seen approaching Nafziger Road on the CN Guelph Subdivision with BNSF 2090 and CN 4908 with a short train heading to Stratford and points further west on the line. The town of Baden and the distinctive regional water tower is viewed to the left of the train.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jason Noe all rights reserved.

Caption: Since the spring, several BNSF four-axle units have been assigned to CN locals across Ontario and Quebec to repay back horsepower hours owed to CN by BNSF. On June 19, BNSF GP38-2 2090 was seen after being set-off by L533 in the Kitchener, Ontario yard. Since then, the unit was assigned to L568 however it had never led west, only east on a couple occasions before being placed as the middle unit in the consist. Then on June 29, came word that L568 was departing Kitchener with BNSF 2090 leading, although it was long hood forward. At this point it’s good enough for me after waiting more than a week for it to lead.
Here CN L568 is seen approaching Nafziger Road on the CN Guelph Subdivision with BNSF 2090 and CN 4908 with a short train heading to Stratford and points further west on the line. The town of Baden and the distinctive regional water tower is viewed to the left of the train.

Jason Noe [1024] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/29/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: BNSF 2090 (search)
Train Symbol: CN L568 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Guelph Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Baden (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52344
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Photo ID: 51042

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One Comment
  1. Nice !

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