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Sharing some of the workload today NSCX 8704 with long hood leading pulls three new NS coil cars from the NSC Yard and across Kenilworth Ave., then a reverse move back into the yard. I noticed a significant number of NS coil cars stored on NSC Property and along Burlington St., I'm not sure they're going anywhere soon. NSCX 12 was running around making numerous moves also, NSCX 5306 was idling outside the shop maybe feeling a bit left out.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Terry O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: Sharing some of the workload today NSCX 8704 with long hood leading pulls three new NS coil cars from the NSC Yard and across Kenilworth Ave., then a reverse move back into the yard. I noticed a significant number of NS coil cars stored on NSC Property and along Burlington St., I'm not sure they're going anywhere soon. NSCX 12 was running around making numerous moves also, NSCX 5306 was idling outside the shop maybe feeling a bit left out.

Terry O'Shell [162] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/14/2023 (search)
Railway: Industrial (search)
Reporting Marks: NSXC 8704 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: National Steel Car (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51415
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  1. Great photo. The National Transportation Safety Board has ordered all those new NS coil cars out of service until all their wheels are inspected and possibly replaced.

  2. they’ve been stored next to burlington street for a long while now – well before the safety bulletin. trenergy isn’t/wasn’t making hoods as fast as nsc is/was building the cras.

  3. According to NS themselves these cars possibly have out of gage wheel sets. Just to add to the mix the NTSB is putting all of NS under a safety microscope for 60 days. If these wheel sets are out of gage or creeping then it is likely a manufacturers issue. Could be metallurgical in nature. Long ago when Procor shipped its casting of wheelset bolsters to Mexico from Dofasco it turned out the Mexican ones were cracking in service. I was loading tank cars at Esso Nanticoke at the time and Procor gave us a list of over 600 suspect cars for us to inspect and call them if they showed up. Don’t know how many were replaced. Wheels are pressed onto the axels so if their creeping somethings not right. I believe the wheels arrive at NSC pressed on the axels but not assembled in wheel sets ? Anyone remember the covered hopper cars stored all over Southern Ontario that had the wrong epoxy lining.

  4. Thanks, I hadn’t seen them outside for quite a while.

  5. James, you are correct, NSC has been pushing cars tight up against the stop blocks at Ottawa St. for quite a while. With this pause in regular lifts of new coil cars maybe Trenergy will create a better inventory of lids.

  6. berknkp765 – Thanks for the information, definitely an issue that has occurred before.

    A 2006 Canadian Transportation Safety Board Report (R06T0022) following a CP derailment near Buckskin, Ontario identified the cause as a wheel set moving inboard off the axle seat. The report highlighted an issue with wheels mounted by the CN Transcona wheel shop.

  7. Dozens of these steel cars are stored on Trillium at Welland. There are 8 cars with hoods installed sitting at Trenergy St Catharines as well as another 20 or so hoods stacked around the outside of plant

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