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Seen at a spot I used to enjoy because there was a bit of open space in the Niagara downtown tourist area and room to park. Evening train CSX #320 with CEX 7865 and 7045 is eastward to the USA rolling by the Oakes Inn and Minolta Tower, such as it was named at the time. Time is almost sundown and the tower reads: 20C.  Nice eve.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Seen at a spot I used to enjoy because there was a bit of open space in the Niagara downtown tourist area and room to park. Evening train CSX #320 with CEX 7865 and 7045 is eastward to the USA rolling by the Oakes Inn and Minolta Tower, such as it was named at the time. Time is almost sundown and the tower reads: 20C. Nice eve.

A.W.Mooney [2213] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/31/1994 (search)
Railway: CSX Transportation (search)
Reporting Marks: CSX 7865 (search)
Train Symbol: #320 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Hamilton sub. (search)
City/Town: Niagara Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=44708
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Photo ID: 43476

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  1. This is a brilliant shot! I’ve said for years that I barely see shots of CSX Widecab GEs and other newer power on this end of the line here in the Falls. I had a feeling it’d show up eventually though! I hope to see more shots of this era of the Hamilton through Niagara Falls.

  2. Arnold, I could never get tired of these images along that section… another great capture

  3. Thanks, guys; for the compliments. After posting what I have so far in Niagara Falls; dunno what I have left to share. :o )

  4. Great photo. The C30-7 trailing is neat too.

  5. The GE’s seemed common near the end, mostly probably preferred the newer cabs. Nice shot

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