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Saturday / Sunday Mornings required a statutory trip through Agincourt.

And always something worth capturing.

Christmas colours too!

GMD 1966 built GP40TC, GO #504 was a GO original, to Amtrak 1988 & had a longer career there than with GO, coupled to a 700 series sister. 

GMD 1951 built F7B, CP Rail #4433 and sisters were retired by 1983

MLW 1970 built M-630, CP Rail #4560 was delivered as #4515 and renumbered in 1971. All M-630 models retired by 1995.

and a TH&B geep hiding behind the GO sisters...and my shadow in the foreground.

At CP Rail Agincourt, December 22, 1979 Kodachrome by S.Danko

more Agincourt

   contrasting livery
Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.


Saturday / Sunday Mornings required a statutory trip through Agincourt.

And always something worth capturing.

Christmas colours too!

GMD 1966 built GP40TC, GO #504 was a GO original, to Amtrak 1988 & had a longer career there than with GO, coupled to a 700 series sister.

GMD 1951 built F7B, CP Rail #4433 and sisters were retired by 1983

MLW 1970 built M-630, CP Rail #4560 was delivered as #4515 and renumbered in 1971. All M-630 models retired by 1995.

and a TH&B geep hiding behind the GO sisters...and my shadow in the foreground.

At CP Rail Agincourt, December 22, 1979 Kodachrome by S.Danko

more Agincourt

contrasting livery

sdfourty [730] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/22/1979 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP Rail 4433 (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Rail Agincourt (search)
City/Town: Agincourt (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=53542
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Photo ID: 52230

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One Comment
  1. I can feel the Christmas spirit from this shot :)

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