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Sailor's delight is predicted by the glowing orange sky, battle hardened GP9 7071 is reflected in a small puddle as the Conductor throws a switch to turn south and head home. Leaving the Guelph Junction railway, this weekend extra will head south on the old Fergus sub then turn west following the orange glow home for the night to Kitchener. 

Note to snake: my family was at *WAL MART* nearby and I chanced on the train that evening :) Guess what they were buying???
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Sailor's delight is predicted by the glowing orange sky, battle hardened GP9 7071 is reflected in a small puddle as the Conductor throws a switch to turn south and head home. Leaving the Guelph Junction railway, this weekend extra will head south on the old Fergus sub then turn west following the orange glow home for the night to Kitchener.

Stephen C. Host [1538] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/12/2019 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 7071 (search)
Train Symbol: CN L540-12 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: North Industrial Spur, Guelph Junction Railway (search)
City/Town: Guelph (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39223
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Photo ID: 38029

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  1. Absolutely love this!

  2. The Pond Master hath spoken. :-)
    To get someone flipping a switch in the reflection is quite remarkable.

  3. Thank you – the thing is, it was also the only place I knew the train would stop so I could pull off a sharp photo, was shooting with my 50mm 1.8 fairly wide open at 1/30 … had to pray something was sharp

  4. Stephen – this side business of yours – Props4Pix is really paying off for you !

  5. Would you like to subscribe, snake?

  6. Nice. Well done, Stephen.

  7. Very nice image Steve. L568 would use this same consist the following day as well.

  8. Thanks Earl, Jason.

    Jason: I just checked my notes, this was in fact a 568. Not 540.

  9. Snake, lets you and I head up there and sabotage that puddle !!!! :o )

  10. I was wondering why wal-mart was out of hair dryers and towels..


  11. What are the loaded bulkheads behind the power ??

  12. This is deece.

  13. Bruce those should be cars for Hunts in Preston. They were along for the ride as 568 brought them over from kitchener. Likely set off in xv yard for Mondays 542

    Even the boxcars were hunts cars… and 1 car for Gilllies.

  14. Arnold – your turn :)

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