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Running as 563, CREX 1516 and CN 3019 are pictured on the Macey Spur just outside of the Vale facility in Port Colborne. The crew is switching ends for the return trip to Port Rob, which provided an opportunity for some shots. They would run back to Port Rob light power, with 3019 leading the way.  I believe the stretch of track that runs parallel to Durham Street is the Macey Spur, with the Humberstone Spur beginning at the switch near Mitchell Street. Corrections are of course welcome and in fact very much appreciated, as I am not having any luck finding definitive answers to this.
Copyright Notice: This image ©James Knott all rights reserved.

Caption: Running as 563, CREX 1516 and CN 3019 are pictured on the Macey Spur just outside of the Vale facility in Port Colborne. The crew is switching ends for the return trip to Port Rob, which provided an opportunity for some shots. They would run back to Port Rob light power, with 3019 leading the way.

I believe the stretch of track that runs parallel to Durham Street is the Macey Spur, with the Humberstone Spur beginning at the switch near Mitchell Street. Corrections are of course welcome and in fact very much appreciated, as I am not having any luck finding definitive answers to this.

James Knott [535] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/04/2019 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CREX 1516 (search)
Train Symbol: 563 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Macey Spur (search)
City/Town: Port Colborne (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=37474
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  1. Heavy power down there? Really?? How many cars did they bring down? This is a rather remarkable shot.

  2. It’s been nothing but six axle power since whenever the four axle units became extinct at Port Rob. Not sure of the exact timing of when this happened, as this is just what I have been told by others. I have seen two videos of moves on the Humberstone in recent years, and both had two six axle units. Kind of shocking to see in-person I must say!

    I am not sure how many cars they set off. I was on the QEW when I heard RTC give clearance to the Humberstone for CREX 1516. Knowing how elusive this move was, I made a quick change of plans and off to Port Colborne I went. Talk about pure luck! Got here just as they were coming out of Vale so I am not entirely sure, but it probably wasn’t more than one or two tanks. This was probably the most stressful shot I have ever taken; mostly because I had little time to set up as they were coming out of the gates as I was pulling up, there was very little in the way of ambient light to work with, I am fairly new to night shots, and I knew getting another chance at this was pretty unlikely. Talk about high pressure!

  3. Yeah, and talk about how often they run down to Vale. What is it? Once or twice a month? This shot is almost surreal.
    I know the pressure. You’d be ‘freakin’…:o) I have to admit I am really impressed.

  4. Yeah once or twice a month is about what I think too. Again, from what I have heard from others.

    And thank you! :)

  5. If this is your result when hurried, then any others you capture when you have sufficient time should be beauties !
    Great work under the circumstances.

  6. Thank you Bruce :)

  7. Nice shot James! Things have really changed since I was a kid in the Port in the 50s to 70s. Canada Cement, Algoma Steel, Robin Hood Mills, The Coal Dock, Elm Street running, the rail bridge, through trains between Fort Erie and Brantford, etc. All gone. There used to be 2 full-time CN Switchers in town plus the daily TH&B and all the industrial units. Good to see that Vale gets the odd car still.

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