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RLGN 1400 and 1401 underwent repairs and repainting at the Ontario Northland Railway shops in North Bay, ON; then they were tested on nearby Ottawa Valley RaiLink before being shipped off to the Mackenzie Northern Railway. There they got beat up battling the wilds of northern Alberta before getting shipped back to Ontario, this time to the Goderich-Exeter Railway. After a few years of service on GEXR and a few more years sitting broken and dead in Goderich, the two F units ended up on the Ontario Southland Railway. OSRX 1401 is back in service,and hopefully 1400 will be alive and well soon. These two units seem to have nine lives. After seeing them parked in the deadline in Mclennan, AB surrounded by pools of oil I thought they were done for... who knew they would continue on as well as they have? RLGN 1400, still in VIA Rail paint, is shown sitting inside the Ontario Northland's North Bay shop in the company of ONT 2103.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Rob Smith all rights reserved.

Caption: RLGN 1400 and 1401 underwent repairs and repainting at the Ontario Northland Railway shops in North Bay, ON; then they were tested on nearby Ottawa Valley RaiLink before being shipped off to the Mackenzie Northern Railway. There they got beat up battling the wilds of northern Alberta before getting shipped back to Ontario, this time to the Goderich-Exeter Railway. After a few years of service on GEXR and a few more years sitting broken and dead in Goderich, the two F units ended up on the Ontario Southland Railway. OSRX 1401 is back in service,and hopefully 1400 will be alive and well soon. These two units seem to have nine lives. After seeing them parked in the deadline in Mclennan, AB surrounded by pools of oil I thought they were done for... who knew they would continue on as well as they have? RLGN 1400, still in VIA Rail paint, is shown sitting inside the Ontario Northland's North Bay shop in the company of ONT 2103.

Rob Smith [379] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/25/1999 (search)
Railway: Railink (search)
Reporting Marks: RLGN 1400 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: North Bay (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=16987
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One Comment
  1. No kidding on nine lives… winter should be interesting this year with this pair on a plow run! Here’s hopin’!

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