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Race Among the Ruins. The last time I had RLK 4095 cued up in my viewfinder was November 15 on last day of operations on the Guelph sub, running solo on 582 at the end. Now 4095 paired with SOR 2117 are the only operational power on what remains of the GEXR, with the recent departure of 2303 (status of 3030 at Goderich unknown though, to be honest). If you were happening on this short(er) line operation without knowing the recent history you'd be encouraged to think this was a busy railway with a good amount of traffic (albeit some of it seasonal) as evident but the packed yard at Stratford. The future is still bright for GEXR I think. And despite any nostalgic feelings I'm glad this operation remains with GEXR and I had a great time chasing them..... After leaving Stratford they'd continue on to Goderich, as seen in James Knott's great shot here (trains activities in description).
Copyright Notice: This image ©Mark MacCauley all rights reserved.

Caption: Race Among the Ruins. The last time I had RLK 4095 cued up in my viewfinder was November 15 on last day of operations on the Guelph sub, running solo on 582 at the end. Now 4095 paired with SOR 2117 are the only operational power on what remains of the GEXR, with the recent departure of 2303 (status of 3030 at Goderich unknown though, to be honest). If you were happening on this short(er) line operation without knowing the recent history you'd be encouraged to think this was a busy railway with a good amount of traffic (albeit some of it seasonal) as evident but the packed yard at Stratford. The future is still bright for GEXR I think. And despite any nostalgic feelings I'm glad this operation remains with GEXR and I had a great time chasing them..... After leaving Stratford they'd continue on to Goderich, as seen in James Knott's great shot here (trains activities in description).

Mark MacCauley [104] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/05/2019 (search)
Railway: Goderich-Exeter (search)
Reporting Marks: GEXR 4095 (search)
Train Symbol: 581 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mitchell (search)
City/Town: Mitchell (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=36045
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