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Quite a sight for 2012. Mother Parkers private car Pacific adds a timeless touch of elegance to the rear VIA train #67. This car is currently touring to raise money for Alzheimer's awareness in honour of the late Paul Higgins Senior.  A special thanks goes to the gentleman in the jacket for the tin of coffee and the rest of the passengers that add to the human element of this scene.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Matt Soknacki all rights reserved.

Caption: Quite a sight for 2012. Mother Parkers private car Pacific adds a timeless touch of elegance to the rear VIA train #67. This car is currently touring to raise money for Alzheimer's awareness in honour of the late Paul Higgins Senior. A special thanks goes to the gentleman in the jacket for the tin of coffee and the rest of the passengers that add to the human element of this scene.

Matt Soknacki [28] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/25/2012 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: Pacific (search)
Train Symbol: VIA 67 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Kingston Sub (search)
City/Town: Oshawa (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=4238
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Photo ID: 3744

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  1. Here’s the website for the tour details, itenerary, and how to donate


  2. I noticed a couple of things. The markers appear to have been converted to electrical operation, a nice touch to maintain the authenticity of the car. The other is the rear extensions on the railings. When I was in Calgary on CP, we were tasked to look at the railings on the cars being used on The Royal Canadian Pacific prior to its launch in the late 1990s.The old height was too low for safety, as many people had a centre of gravity higher than the railing. We didn’t add extensions as in this case, but reconfigured the railings to a height deemed safe for customers who might experience slack action and/or be enjoying the alcohol served on board.We arrived at the height based on railing height design used on BC Coastal Steamships believe it or not. It was 42 inches if I recall.

  3. Ex-CN 1197 Pacific Class PO-73-C-1 Special Compartment Sleeping car. CC&F built in 1924.
    Renumbered CN 15157 in 1974, CN 48 in 1974, then sold in 1976.

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