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Question. What Canadian Shortline hosted trains from CP, C&O/CSX, DT&I, Conrail, N&W/NS and GTW? The Essex Terminal Railway in Windsor. Here we see a CP transfer job heading East along the Essex Terminal towards Dougall Ave where it will then make a reverse move to shove into the Conrail interchange (adjacent to the Electric Yard). What is unusual this day is the use of an M-630 as these moves usually were handled by SW yard switchers or GP9's. Once the CP is clear, No 942 will pull onto the Essex Terminal and pull across Tecumseh road and then down a connecting track into CP Windsor Yard.  The "Loop Track" from the tunnel was also used by the DT&I whilst the GTW interchanged with ETR closer to Dougall Ave.  After the CN takeover at the CASO, the Conrail and N&W/NS pullers would use the Loop track to access CP Windsor Yard. The DT&I/GTW would go into VanDeWater Yard. Today the Loop Track has been removed.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David J Parker all rights reserved.

Caption: Question. What Canadian Shortline hosted trains from CP, C&O/CSX, DT&I, Conrail, N&W/NS and GTW? The Essex Terminal Railway in Windsor. Here we see a CP transfer job heading East along the Essex Terminal towards Dougall Ave where it will then make a reverse move to shove into the Conrail interchange (adjacent to the Electric Yard). What is unusual this day is the use of an M-630 as these moves usually were handled by SW yard switchers or GP9's. Once the CP is clear, No 942 will pull onto the Essex Terminal and pull across Tecumseh road and then down a connecting track into CP Windsor Yard. The "Loop Track" from the tunnel was also used by the DT&I whilst the GTW interchanged with ETR closer to Dougall Ave. After the CN takeover at the CASO, the Conrail and N&W/NS pullers would use the Loop track to access CP Windsor Yard. The DT&I/GTW would go into VanDeWater Yard. Today the Loop Track has been removed.

David J Parker [132] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/11/1984 (search)
Railway: Chessie System (search)
Reporting Marks: CP4570/C&O7533-C&O7566 (search)
Train Symbol: C&O #942 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: ETR/CP Loop (search)
City/Town: Windsor (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43540
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  1. Not familiar with the Loop Track I found this:


    Very cool. Do any of the big boys use ETR today?

  2. Steve. I don’t believe any of the US roads come thru the tunnel anymore.

  3. That I’m certain of, but CN or CP using ETR?

  4. Great stuff Dave. Keep any C&O/Chessie stuff coming…

  5. Stephen,
    The CP still comes out to deliver to the ETR at the same location with the ETR yard being behind and to the left of David in this pic. CSX/CP will bring the odd grain train over destined for the ETR. They make the move by having the inbound train pull down the ETR at the connection at Dougal. The ETR will then tie onto the rear of the train to take it west/south to ADM, but that is about the only ‘big road’ that uses the ETR now from time to time.

  6. Thank you very much

  7. Soon maybe Amtrak will use the ETR if they can bring the Chicago trains across the border like they plan to.

    I’ve spent more time in Windsor finally and finally got my bearing on all this stuff. Thanks again gents for sharing.

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