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Problem: How to get a decent view of Cochrane's ONR yard. Solution:  Rent a room at the Station Hotel and crawl out onto the roof. Not what I hoped it would be, but I liked it. The management had a somewhat dimmer view. This was the only image in which I at least got a bit of bright sky after a good rain. One can see the shop building in the distance, as well as a number of Polar Bear Express coaches....in the foreground ONR 1731 and 1735 had just parked their train on the far left in photo. The Hotel is a nice place to stay, and I recommend it; I just hope there are no "Trespassing On Roof Prohibited" signs anywhere on the property now........
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W. Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Problem: How to get a decent view of Cochrane's ONR yard. Solution: Rent a room at the Station Hotel and crawl out onto the roof. Not what I hoped it would be, but I liked it. The management had a somewhat dimmer view. This was the only image in which I at least got a bit of bright sky after a good rain. One can see the shop building in the distance, as well as a number of Polar Bear Express coaches....in the foreground ONR 1731 and 1735 had just parked their train on the far left in photo. The Hotel is a nice place to stay, and I recommend it; I just hope there are no "Trespassing On Roof Prohibited" signs anywhere on the property now........

A.W. Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/29/1998 (search)
Railway: Ontario Northland (search)
Reporting Marks: ONR 1731 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: ONR yard (search)
City/Town: Cochrane (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=12957
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Photo ID: 11937

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  1. That is a neat angle and great story to go along with it Arnold! You said that the management had a dim view…does that mean they caught you on the roof? :)

  2. I think the engineer must have tipped off the front desk. There was a knock on my door. The girl from downstairs….”I’ve just gotten a call that someone in this room…..” Oh well. Not much I could say. The screen was still off the window.
    If you head up there, I recall it as room 208. :o )

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