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Probably the first thought in viewing this station is: "Where the heck is South Porcupine"??? At one time it was  known as "Golden City" after a gold camp was first set up there.  A massive fire in 1911 destroyed most of what was built in the area by that time. Sadly, that was two days after the first train arrived in town. 
 The name was changed to South Porcupine as it borders Porcupine Lake, and is marginally south of the community of Porcupine. Having said all that, the community today is located as part of the very eastern reaches of the city of Timmins.
Passenger service to Timmins was discontinued 30 years ago. The rail to the central part of the city was pulled up not long after and scaled back to serve just Kidd Mines & Falconbridge Nickel, about 20 miles west of Porquis.
The station looks good in this photo.  Last I knew it was in use for "community purposes".
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Probably the first thought in viewing this station is: "Where the heck is South Porcupine"??? At one time it was known as "Golden City" after a gold camp was first set up there. A massive fire in 1911 destroyed most of what was built in the area by that time. Sadly, that was two days after the first train arrived in town. The name was changed to South Porcupine as it borders Porcupine Lake, and is marginally south of the community of Porcupine. Having said all that, the community today is located as part of the very eastern reaches of the city of Timmins. Passenger service to Timmins was discontinued 30 years ago. The rail to the central part of the city was pulled up not long after and scaled back to serve just Kidd Mines & Falconbridge Nickel, about 20 miles west of Porquis. The station looks good in this photo. Last I knew it was in use for "community purposes".

A.W.Mooney [2212] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/28/1977 (search)
Railway: Ontario Northland (search)
Reporting Marks: not applicable (search)
Train Symbol: n/a (search)
Subdivision/SNS: ONR Ramore Sub. (search)
City/Town: South Purcupine (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=44842
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Photo ID: 43608

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  1. I believe it’s been converted to a duplex now….at lesdt the last I looked at Google maps it was …

  2. Thanks.
    I understood it was saved, but going thru there last October, I could not find it.

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