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Probably one of my favourite CN 148's and also narrowly missed getting hosed by the Amtrak, LOL. Up front this day was former CN 5110, rebuilt to GCFX 6058, followed by WC SD45 6587, ex ATSF 5525/1825 and WC 7511, ex BN 6511. The train was rolling through Aldershot on its way to Brampton's intermodal terminal. I sure do miss the old EMD's especially the SD45's. A lot more variety back then.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Marcus W Stevens all rights reserved.

Caption: Probably one of my favourite CN 148's and also narrowly missed getting hosed by the Amtrak, LOL. Up front this day was former CN 5110, rebuilt to GCFX 6058, followed by WC SD45 6587, ex ATSF 5525/1825 and WC 7511, ex BN 6511. The train was rolling through Aldershot on its way to Brampton's intermodal terminal. I sure do miss the old EMD's especially the SD45's. A lot more variety back then.

Marcus W Stevens [1078] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/09/2003 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: GCFX 6058 (search)
Train Symbol: 148 / 97 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Oakville sub. (search)
City/Town: Aldershot (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=46336
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Photo ID: 45084

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  1. Holy Cow!!! REALLY nice capture. And you’re right, you almost got skunked. Much too close for comfort. No doubt if I was in your shoes on that day, I would have felt a movement in the lower part of my anatomy.

  2. So true, I remember cursing the Amtrak that day, thankfully it got up to speed pretty fast :)

  3. This is great! I got some interesting trains back in the day, but definitely not enough. I think it’s safe to say, you won’t be seeing this power leading 148 ever again!

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