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Power on the Nelson to Nakusp wayfreight helps the Bridge crew make adjustments to the slip dock on the south end of Slocan Lake. After adjustments are made for changing lake levels the 8808 will load itself and train onto a barge to be tugged to Rosebery for the isolated Kaslo Subdivision
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Hooper all rights reserved.

Caption: Power on the Nelson to Nakusp wayfreight helps the Bridge crew make adjustments to the slip dock on the south end of Slocan Lake. After adjustments are made for changing lake levels the 8808 will load itself and train onto a barge to be tugged to Rosebery for the isolated Kaslo Subdivision

Bill Hooper [313] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/25/1985 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 8808 (search)
Train Symbol: Nakusp Wayfreight (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Slocan Sub. (search)
City/Town: Slocan City (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39066
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Photo ID: 37872

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  1. Amazing shot Bill! After seeing this I did a touch of research on the area. As you said, this job ran from Nelson to Nakusp which includes a bit of the trip taking place on a CP owned barge from Slocan to Rosebery. I found that in 1974 CP applied to abandon 27.4 miles of track that ran from Rosebery north to Haksup and the 4 miles of track that ran from Rosebery south to Denver Canyon. CP again applied for abandonment in 1980 and again in 1984. In 1984 the ~4 miles south of Rosebery was approved to be abandoned. It wasn’t until 1987 that the line was totally abandoned and operations ceased entirely.

    Near the end, the line was operated once a month on an “as needed” basis. In 1985, the same year you shot it Bill, the total car count was 110 cars for the whole year (1986 saw a total of 49 cars and 1987 had 71). The losses in 1985 were calculated to be $749,000, which is a stagering amount especially in 1985. It’s amazing the line kept going as long as it did. Makes me glad you documented this part of it Bill.

    (All my info came from the Canadian Transportation Industry page detailing the abandonment proceedings)

  2. thank you for posting !

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