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Parked at Barrick Road on the Port Colborne Harbour Railway, former CN 7224 now LDSX 7224 was having engine trouble and the crew decided to park it and leave it until the next day. 7224 is kinda neat as it's clearly a yard service engine, without a front plow as seen on most road units today. You can also tell this rail line from Elm St to "sherwood yard" was rebuilt by the CNR in the modern era as it's all welded rail. This bypass of Elm St would have been built when the street running was abandoned in favour of the new route. Beyond Sherwood, the mainline would be built in 1997 for the Grand Opening as covered by Arnold Mooney of the PCHR where the line was extended to allow for abandonment of Bridge 20 and connect the west side of town to the railway. Feel free to comment if I have anything wrong :)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: Parked at Barrick Road on the Port Colborne Harbour Railway, former CN 7224 now LDSX 7224 was having engine trouble and the crew decided to park it and leave it until the next day. 7224 is kinda neat as it's clearly a yard service engine, without a front plow as seen on most road units today. You can also tell this rail line from Elm St to "sherwood yard" was rebuilt by the CNR in the modern era as it's all welded rail. This bypass of Elm St would have been built when the street running was abandoned in favour of the new route. Beyond Sherwood, the mainline would be built in 1997 for the Grand Opening as covered by Arnold Mooney of the PCHR where the line was extended to allow for abandonment of Bridge 20 and connect the west side of town to the railway. Feel free to comment if I have anything wrong :)

Stephen C. Host [1544] (more) (contact)
Date: 7/29/2023 (search)
Railway: GIO Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: LDSX 7224, 269 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Port Colborne Harbour Railway (search)
City/Town: Port Colborne (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=52609
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  1. Very nice catch! Guess I have to make the trip that way again soon.

  2. One quick comment on this, the original proposal from CN and the Seaway was to have the line terminate at Robin Hood and not connect further south to the Government Elevator, Maple Leaf Mill, Macey Yard, etc…the idea being to truck transfer from those locations to Robin Hood and make that location a kind of intermodal hub…I and others fought this, and the connector line was made, rest is history 25+ years on…nice capture, with some good fortune there may be some additional new rail activity pending in that area…Cheers MIKE

  3. Thanks Mr. Klauk. A wise decision.

    Marcus lots of new stuff to see but 7224 doesn’t seem to be well loved or preferred. 3502 and 1859 seem to be regulars with a roll of the dice on anything else.

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