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Over/ Under at YYZ. To date, I have yet to see a 3 car train. Perhaps a pricing adjustment might be the motivation to change what looks a lot like a white elephant.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dave Brook all rights reserved.

Caption: Over/ Under at YYZ. To date, I have yet to see a 3 car train. Perhaps a pricing adjustment might be the motivation to change what looks a lot like a white elephant.

Dave Brook [860] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/07/2016 (search)
Railway: Union Pearson Express (search)
Reporting Marks: UPX 1010 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Pearson Airport. (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=22564
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Photo ID: 21430

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  1. Yeah its kind of sad that this modern transportation mode is not being used.

  2. I think Toronto needs to get its head out of the sand and full integrate transit fares. Mimico- Union- Pearson on one ticket at a price that makes public transit worthwhile.

  3. That would make more sense. We need to be more like European cities when it comes to mass transit.

  4. Yes, and get it into our heads that it’s not going to pay for itself. No gets excited about using public transit. So make it cheap enough and efficient enough that motivation is created. That’s tough in Toronto; a city of 40 years of study, but almost no action.

  5. True to that.

  6. Toronto has made many mistakes in its past when it comes to mass transit and traffic gridlock. Yes we do have to pay for service if it is much better. Transit in cities like Zurich or Amsterdam is not cheap, but because its so effecient and can take you anywhere the people don’t mind the cost.

  7. Or, in China, where the population is through the roof, efficient and cheap. The train stations of major cities are like airports there!

  8. Well China is a different beast all together. They probably have no choice when it comes to moving people. Besides its a communist nation, who knows how they pay for these amazing high speed trains

  9. @ngineered4u: Very true. Probably explains why train/subway lines are up and running so quickly there compared to here. For example, Nanjing, China’s subway system started up in 2005 with one line. And this is a city of about 7.5 million people only! Currently, they have at least 5 additional lines up and running, including a line all the way to the airport there, which is separated from the metropolitan area of the city about 60 km.

  10. Exactly! Not sure I am willing to go communist to get better transit but they seem to be doing something right.

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