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Over the winter of 1965-66, Canadian Pacific once again had many units on lease from railroads such as the Bessemer & Lake Erie, Boston & Maine, as well as the Lake Superior and Ishpeming. Here we see two of the LS&I's RSD12s (1804 and an unidentified unit) leading CP FPA2 4082 and RS10s 8593 east through Campbellville on a snowy day in early 1966.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doug Page all rights reserved.

Caption: Over the winter of 1965-66, Canadian Pacific once again had many units on lease from railroads such as the Bessemer & Lake Erie, Boston & Maine, as well as the Lake Superior and Ishpeming. Here we see two of the LS&I's RSD12s (1804 and an unidentified unit) leading CP FPA2 4082 and RS10s 8593 east through Campbellville on a snowy day in early 1966.

Doug Page [380] (more) (contact)
Date: 2/ /1966 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: LS&I 1804 (search)
Train Symbol: eastbound (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Campbellville (search)
City/Town: Campbellville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39764
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Photo ID: 38565

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  1. I remember this day, it started squalling heavier as we were leaving.
    The date is Feb 13, 1966.
    I have 1804-1803- 4083 -8593 .
    I guess to settle any discrepancy on that number, we’d need some expert on which one was in the script by this date.

  2. Definitely 4083 in script(Doug took a going- away shot at Guelph Jct); typo when entering the caption.

    Mercer’s right…again!

  3. The question I have, why/where are they towing the trailing units? I know CP covered wagon A units can’t MU through the nose.

  4. Ron, with tongue in cheek – that’s why they had leased power ( those trailing 2 are d-e-a-d.

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