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OSR M-420(W)s 647 and 644 back off the north industrial spur with four hoppers.  Their next task was to switch the south industrial spur, however CN 540 was on it.  What to do?  Walk to Tim Horton's of course.  I find Guelph horribly frustrating to navigate and lucked out with this shot.  I had abandoned my OSR chase to go search for CN 540... finding CN 542 instead.  After photographing 542 at Guelph Jct. I then found 540 on the Fergus Spur.  Not finding anywhere to photograph 540 I gave up, got twisted around in the industrial area and found OSR again.  You can plan all you want but sometimes the subjects you just happen upon end up being the best photos of the day.  It was today!
Copyright Notice: This image ©Rob Smith all rights reserved.

Caption: OSR M-420(W)s 647 and 644 back off the north industrial spur with four hoppers. Their next task was to switch the south industrial spur, however CN 540 was on it. What to do? Walk to Tim Horton's of course. I find Guelph horribly frustrating to navigate and lucked out with this shot. I had abandoned my OSR chase to go search for CN 540... finding CN 542 instead. After photographing 542 at Guelph Jct. I then found 540 on the Fergus Spur. Not finding anywhere to photograph 540 I gave up, got twisted around in the industrial area and found OSR again. You can plan all you want but sometimes the subjects you just happen upon end up being the best photos of the day. It was today!

Rob Smith [380] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/18/2019 (search)
Railway: Ontario Southland (search)
Reporting Marks: OSRX 647 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Guelph (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39192
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Photo ID: 37998

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  1. You are lucky to get this, Rob. Its a nice shot. Guelph is nuts. No offense to any of the nuts that live there…:o)

  2. Great shot Rob. Guelph can be very frustrating with all the lights as well.

  3. AWM…you mean… Stephen “C” Host ?

  4. What does the “C” stand for anyway?

    Rob I think I saw you ! 542 was reversing to Guelph Jct with 24 or so cars (cars first) just as OSR was leaving for PDI prolly an hour after this shot was taken.. when OSR finally got to leave. I drove by Swiss Chalet on the way back from Lunch and saw a ‘fan getting ready to leave.

    Glad you came here – OSR’s always great! CN – well at least they have a CN unit on 542 now :)

  5. Thanks for the comments.

    @Steve – I was eastbound on Woodlawn Rd. waiting for 540 to back clear so it wasn’t me you saw. There was another guy, Craig, photographing the action also so you must have seen him.

  6. Yeah, that was probably me you saw, Steve.

  7. Very cool :) hope ya’ll had fun. Snake where were you??? Slither on up to Guelph eh.

  8. A different paint scheme than the OSR F’s and GP9′s with the Indian red and tan.. never liked the BCRY Red White and Blue. What are we American’s? ;) Great shot tho. :)

  9. Red, white and blue are also the main colours on the British Columbia provincial flag.

  10. You’re right just as the Union Jack. My bad.

  11. I appreciate the lesson – I did not know why BC Rail was so similar to some Rail America schemes :) Now I know.

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