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Ontario Northland Railway FP7s 1521, 1511 sit in the crisp rays of the morning sun at Temagami on the head end of the Upper Canada Railway Society excursion from Toronto via Ottawa.  The excursion had arrived in North Bay from the nation's capital late in the evening of Sept. 14 to be handled overnight to Temagami, allowing a well lit run south to North Bay.

The weekend of September 13 - 15, 1963 marked a massive undertaking by the Upper Canada Railway Society, a 692.2 mile excursion from Toronto - Ottawa - North Bay - Temagami - Toronto, with seventeen coaches behind CNR 6167. With the train having run overnight from Toronto - Ottawa on the 13th, the train turned west and departed the nation's capital early on the 14th. 6167 would be removed at North Bay, with ONR FP7s handling the train to Temagami overnight. The consist returned to North Bay on the morning of the 15th, with 6167 taking over once again for the return to Toronto.

Further information will be detailed in upcoming posts, but can also be found in the December 1963 UCRS news letter.

Scan and editing by Jacob Patterson.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Freyseng all rights reserved.

Caption: Ontario Northland Railway FP7s 1521, 1511 sit in the crisp rays of the morning sun at Temagami on the head end of the Upper Canada Railway Society excursion from Toronto via Ottawa. The excursion had arrived in North Bay from the nation's capital late in the evening of Sept. 14 to be handled overnight to Temagami, allowing a well lit run south to North Bay.

The weekend of September 13 - 15, 1963 marked a massive undertaking by the Upper Canada Railway Society, a 692.2 mile excursion from Toronto - Ottawa - North Bay - Temagami - Toronto, with seventeen coaches behind CNR 6167. With the train having run overnight from Toronto - Ottawa on the 13th, the train turned west and departed the nation's capital early on the 14th. 6167 would be removed at North Bay, with ONR FP7s handling the train to Temagami overnight. The consist returned to North Bay on the morning of the 15th, with 6167 taking over once again for the return to Toronto.

Further information will be detailed in upcoming posts, but can also be found in the December 1963 UCRS news letter.

Scan and editing by Jacob Patterson.

John Freyseng [166] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/15/1963 (search)
Railway: Ontario Northland (search)
Reporting Marks: ONT 1521, ONT 1511 (search)
Train Symbol: Extra 1521 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Temagami Sub (search)
City/Town: Temagami (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=56096
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One Comment
  1. A big plus having weather like that. Classic shot.

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