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Ontario Northland employees display a politically charged banner on the porch of the lead locomotive on the final Southbound Northlander passenger train.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jay Brooks all rights reserved.

Caption: Ontario Northland employees display a politically charged banner on the porch of the lead locomotive on the final Southbound Northlander passenger train.

Jay Brooks [20] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/28/2012 (search)
Railway: Ontario Northland (search)
Reporting Marks: ONT 1809 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Cochrane Station (search)
City/Town: Cochrane (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=5495
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  1. Jay , love that picture, very powerful message from it. I ask that I could use that imagine to make homemade postcards for myself to send in the mail to politicians to say we want our train back etc. If I don’t recieve your permission, I would hope you would make post cards out of this yourself to get your message out. It is an eye stopper for sure. If no permission Jay, I will totally understand and will make postcards up out of some pictures I have took, none as powerful at yours though. Thankyou Jay,… Marnie Woods, Box 901 Cochrane Ont. P0L 1C0, 705-272-5837

  2. A great what photo ! It also show that all the people in power are is interested in is the power of money & not public sevice . Chris

  3. VIA’s Western services are being discussed at Ottawa again, let’s ride those trains before they get lost, also.

  4. I feel sorry for these guys. We went through the same thing here with BC RAIL and it ended badly with CN taking over and Rocky mountaineer taking over passenger service. I hope that the Northlander comes back and the ontario provincial government doesnt write off there railway like the BC liberals did 9 years ago.

  5. Well, time is telling that this lunacy is not saving any money for this province. In fact, it is still another nail in the coffin of Northern Ontario perpetrated by a useless government that only thinks of their own well-being; as in “Who cares about the North? They translate into so few votes”.

  6. Jay, great picture ! Hard to believe it has been 10 years. Rode this train south from Huntsville to Toronto Union Station, it was filled, was a memorable ride, and now we wait more years for “maybe” return of some sort of ONR rail passenger service to North Bay and Timmins/Cochrane hopefully. Thanks for posting, John

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