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ONR 1801 with the 6 days per week passenger train coming up to the old Cobalt station. I liked this train because it was about the only thing thru here that kept a schedule. Alas, it no longer runs, having been sliced and diced and spit out by the Liberal government near the end of September 2012. Just another nail in the coffin of the North. The government doesn't care, after all, the North does not compound to very many votes. And that is the name of the game.  The station? It currently is a museum, if I remember correctly. Cobalt is steeped in mining history, the still thriving town is well worth a visit.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W. Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: ONR 1801 with the 6 days per week passenger train coming up to the old Cobalt station. I liked this train because it was about the only thing thru here that kept a schedule. Alas, it no longer runs, having been sliced and diced and spit out by the Liberal government near the end of September 2012. Just another nail in the coffin of the North. The government doesn't care, after all, the North does not compound to very many votes. And that is the name of the game. The station? It currently is a museum, if I remember correctly. Cobalt is steeped in mining history, the still thriving town is well worth a visit.

A.W. Mooney [2209] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/27/2007 (search)
Railway: Ontario Northland (search)
Reporting Marks: ONR 1801 (search)
Train Symbol: #122 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: ONR Temagami Sub (search)
City/Town: Cobalt (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=23038
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  1. nicely done!

  2. Very political statement Arnold but I like it, as it couldn’t be more true, regardless of what government you have in. I did some research into when CN was privatized, and almost 300 miles of what was the Beachburg/Alderdale Subs were quickly torn up, and of course the Chalk River/North Bay Subs followed suit in 2012. Did you ever manage to trek into the Algonquin to railfan CN?

  3. Unfortunately, no. But a very interesting question, Daniel. The thought crossed my mind a couple of times, but due to working for a living; so many other places were priorities.

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