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Only one of its kind in Canada, RaiLink painted B-unit switcher 1200 was having a rest while a pair of ex-CN SW1200RS were switching cars in Hamilton's Stuart Street yard. 
Originally built as IC 9203B in Feb 1940, it was the cabless B-unit half of an EMD "TR" switcher pair - often nicknamed "cow and calf". Both parts of the TR were based on the EMD NW2, and it originally had the NW2-style dip in the hood in front of the (absent) cab. IC renumbered it to IC 1026B in 1956. 
In 1998 this locomotive was 58 years old - sort of. I expect the frame and some other parts were that old. But IC had rebuilt it into an "SW13B" in 1972, with many parts replaced, the hood line flattened, and re-numbered to IC 1300B.  Later becoming ICG 1300B, it passed to the Paducah & Lousville as PAL 1300B. 
The unit was acquired freshly painted for RaiLink Hamilton in 1998, and as I recall was active for at least a couple of years. My 2005 Cdn Trackside Guide lists it in [brackets] indicating stored unservicable. Mark Macauley posted an image of it from October 8 2008 when scrapping was in progress  - http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=21772
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Pittman all rights reserved.

Caption: Only one of its kind in Canada, RaiLink painted B-unit switcher 1200 was having a rest while a pair of ex-CN SW1200RS were switching cars in Hamilton's Stuart Street yard.
Originally built as IC 9203B in Feb 1940, it was the cabless B-unit half of an EMD "TR" switcher pair - often nicknamed "cow and calf". Both parts of the TR were based on the EMD NW2, and it originally had the NW2-style dip in the hood in front of the (absent) cab. IC renumbered it to IC 1026B in 1956.

In 1998 this locomotive was 58 years old - sort of. I expect the frame and some other parts were that old. But IC had rebuilt it into an "SW13B" in 1972, with many parts replaced, the hood line flattened, and re-numbered to IC 1300B. Later becoming ICG 1300B, it passed to the Paducah & Lousville as PAL 1300B.

The unit was acquired freshly painted for RaiLink Hamilton in 1998, and as I recall was active for at least a couple of years. My 2005 Cdn Trackside Guide lists it in [brackets] indicating stored unservicable. Mark Macauley posted an image of it from October 8 2008 when scrapping was in progress - http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=21772

John Pittman [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/29/1998 (search)
Railway: Railink (search)
Reporting Marks: RLK 1200 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Hamilton Stuart Street Yard (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=21841
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  1. Nice work, a perfect roster of this rarely seen piece.

  2. They had it tucked away in a cut of cars at the northeast part of the yard for a while, until pulling it out (probably to get it ready to be cut up).

  3. Very cool, I seem to recall someone mentioning that this unit was notorious for picking switches and derailing which was why it didn’t last all that long on the SOR.

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