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One of only five CN 4-6-4 Hudson's built (and one of two preserved), CN 5702 is seen out in the sun on a lovely summer afternoon. Relegated to 'b-status' in the hangar behind it for decades, it was being moved to the Angus Pavillion and entered it earlier today. Featuring 80 inch drivers, these speedy class of locomotives routinely reached speeds of 100 mph in passenger service. I was glad to get a sunny shot of it for the first time.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Michael Berry all rights reserved.

Caption: One of only five CN 4-6-4 Hudson's built (and one of two preserved), CN 5702 is seen out in the sun on a lovely summer afternoon. Relegated to 'b-status' in the hangar behind it for decades, it was being moved to the Angus Pavillion and entered it earlier today. Featuring 80 inch drivers, these speedy class of locomotives routinely reached speeds of 100 mph in passenger service. I was glad to get a sunny shot of it for the first time.

Michael Berry [4143] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/15/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 5702 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Exporail (search)
City/Town: St-Constant (search)
Province: Quebec (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=34805
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Photo ID: 33616

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Is this in operating condition? if not, ballpark on how close to such it may be?

  2. It hasn’t run since steam ended on CN in 1960 I believe, so nowhere near operating condition.

  3. Thank you. Looks very good though!!!

  4. Thank you, Michael, for posting this – wonderful image! I’ve always been a huge fan of these five classic locomotives. Your update was greatly appreciated.

  5. I just saw her myself, and she looks great! Of the two Hudsons, which is closer to steaming condition? CNR should wake up and smell the poutine!

  6. I heard a few years back that there’s nothing wrong with “5700″ in St. Thomas. New boiler tubes and the tear down inspection and it would be good to go. However i think these would be slightly impractical locomotives to restore as they can’t pull many cars due to the high drivers.

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