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One for Mother's Day. My Mother poses on on the platform of caboose 437136 while waiting for an excursion trip with ex CP 4-6-0 1057 that ended up short turning at Dranoel due to mechanical issues. My father was the railfan in the family but my Mother was the family photographer and trip organizer. A number of the older photos I have posed here were taken by her skilled eye.  Thanks to her planning skills We have ridden trains from La Malbaie QC west to BC, rode Rapidos, Tempos, the Turbo, the Super Continental, Le Petit Train du Nord, Polar Bear Express and the Agawa Canyon train. My mother is now in her late 80's and continues to enjoy travelling by train. If your Mother encouraged and supported your foaming adventures be sure to say thanks.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Eric May all rights reserved.

Caption: One for Mother's Day. My Mother poses on on the platform of caboose 437136 while waiting for an excursion trip with ex CP 4-6-0 1057 that ended up short turning at Dranoel due to mechanical issues. My father was the railfan in the family but my Mother was the family photographer and trip organizer. A number of the older photos I have posed here were taken by her skilled eye. Thanks to her planning skills We have ridden trains from La Malbaie QC west to BC, rode Rapidos, Tempos, the Turbo, the Super Continental, Le Petit Train du Nord, Polar Bear Express and the Agawa Canyon train. My mother is now in her late 80's and continues to enjoy travelling by train. If your Mother encouraged and supported your foaming adventures be sure to say thanks.

Eric May [174] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/1975 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 437136 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Havelock Sub. (search)
City/Town: Peterborough (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41345
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Photo ID: 40138

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  1. Thats a nice tribute. My own mother is gone now, but she cheerfully encouraged me to enjoy this great hobby.

  2. Very nicely done. A photo subject that most of us would have a hard time finding in our collections. A very Happy Mothers day to all the Mom’s. :-)

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