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On the "Last Day of CP" for Canadian Pacific as its own corporate identity, before becoming part of the CPKC merger borg, it was the first day of dispatching the foam drone high over Woodbridge: CP 8857 and 9803 back their intermodal train up the MacTier Sub into Vaughan Intermodal Terminal, after having pulled ahead and stopped short of the crossing at Kipling Avenue in downtown Woodbridge.

The train is seen clearing the private crossing to Woodbridge Foam, a longtime local industry that began as Robinson Cotton Mills Ltd in the 1920's, before branching into urethane foam in the 1950's (for cushioning, furniture and automotive products) as Robinson Moulded Products Ltd and Robinson Foams Ltd. The plant, now Woodbridge Foam Ltd, is still active here, with a branch in Kitchener as well.

(Special thanks to the young couple who volunteered a spare a water bottle on this warm day, after an unfortunate non-drone, non-rail related transportation occurance).
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dan Dell'Unto all rights reserved.

Caption: On the "Last Day of CP" for Canadian Pacific as its own corporate identity, before becoming part of the CPKC merger borg, it was the first day of dispatching the foam drone high over Woodbridge: CP 8857 and 9803 back their intermodal train up the MacTier Sub into Vaughan Intermodal Terminal, after having pulled ahead and stopped short of the crossing at Kipling Avenue in downtown Woodbridge.

The train is seen clearing the private crossing to Woodbridge Foam, a longtime local industry that began as Robinson Cotton Mills Ltd in the 1920's, before branching into urethane foam in the 1950's (for cushioning, furniture and automotive products) as Robinson Moulded Products Ltd and Robinson Foams Ltd. At one point they had their own private rail siding off the Woodbridge siding/passing track here. The plant, now Woodbridge Foam Ltd, is still active here, with a branch in Kitchener as well. The Canadian flag flying trackside out front is a nice touch.

As for CPKC? Simply put, we'll see what happens tomorrow.

(Special thanks to the young couple who volunteered a spare water bottle on this warm day, after an unfortunate non-drone, non-rail related transportation occurence).

Note: RPAS piloted with compliance to all of Transport Canada's "Micro Drone" rules and regulations.

Dan Dell'Unto [1014] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/13/2023 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 8857, 9803 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Woodbridge - CP MacTier Sub (search)
City/Town: Vaughan (Woodbridge) (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51672
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