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On the fourth day of the Waterloo Central Railway Freight Solutions contract with Lanxess in Elmira, the first run was April 12, 2022. They run 4 days a week including Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. All power being used to switch the plant is on lease from the Waterloo Central Railway, to their for-profit company Waterloo Central Railway Freight Solutions. WCRX 1012 is performing WCRFS's first switch on the north end of the plant, which is where all the flammable tank cars go. Crewing the train are Conductor Chris Fox (not pictured) and Engineer Matthew Schilling.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Emmett Liddell all rights reserved.

Caption: On the fourth day of the Waterloo Central Railway Freight Solutions contract with Lanxess in Elmira, the first run was April 12, 2022. They run 4 days a week including Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. All power being used to switch the plant is on lease from the Waterloo Central Railway, to their for-profit company Waterloo Central Railway Freight Solutions. WCRX 1012 is performing WCRFS's first switch on the north end of the plant, which is where all the flammable tank cars go. Crewing the train are Conductor Chris Fox (not pictured) and Engineer Matthew Schilling.

Emmett Liddell [20] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/18/2022 (search)
Railway: Waterloo Central (search)
Reporting Marks: WCRX 1012 (search)
Train Symbol: Elmira Switcher (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mile 12, Waterloo Spur (search)
City/Town: Elmira (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=48598
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Photo ID: 47324

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  1. Neat. I had no idea of this arrangement nor company. Does that mean CN doesn’t need to use the line anymore as L566?

  2. Ok now I really wish they kept 1012/1437 in Zebra. Great shot!

  3. Excellent! More revenue for the WCR!

  4. @Kevin No CN L566 still needs to come up and serve CCC and Fairway Lumber. As well as leave cars up on the main for WCR to switch out.

  5. Great photo Emmett!

  6. Interesting and newsworthy photo! Thanks Emmett.

  7. neat stuff

  8. Very interesting! Definitely worth a visit.

  9. Is Waterloo Central Railway Freight Solutions still doing switching operations in Elmira ? Neat picture

  10. @railwayguy yes, WCR still operates switching operations in Elmira

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