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On August 1st 1991, the CRHA Annual Conference (in Kingston that year) traveled to Smiths Falls for a tour of the Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario. Former Canadian Pacific S3 6591 was operating on a short "excursion train" that day, and is shown running past the highway ahead of black storm clouds looming in the sky.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Thomson all rights reserved.

Caption: On August 1st 1991, the CRHA Annual Conference (in Kingston that year) traveled to Smiths Falls for a tour of the Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario. Former Canadian Pacific S3 6591 was operating on a short "excursion train" that day, and is shown running past the highway ahead of black storm clouds looming in the sky.

Bill Thomson [715] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/01/1991 (search)
Railway: Preservation (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 6591 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Railway Museum of Eastern Ontario (search)
City/Town: Smiths Falls (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=24156
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Photo ID: 23007

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  1. So.. I’m curious how they lost the rest of the rail line? Didn’t think the RMEO had any track to run excursions on..

  2. Same as Steve, I’m curious as well…. would be nice to see this engine run again.

  3. This was 25 years ago (My time flies). As I remember there were still thoughts (dreams) of running over the bascule bridge ahead,the old CN line to Ottawa .Even before this ,there was talk of an excursion line for several miles. As to the present I am not up to date on the story

  4. Interesting. I didn’t know the 6591 was in working order.

  5. Still a great image, thanks for sharing Bill!

  6. Looking at their operation on Google Maps, it seems it ends shy of the road crossings at the north and south ends. Perhaps having those crossings required them to pay more to maintain them or for insurance purposes, and the museum didn’t have the funds to.

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