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On another of my fathers famous country side excursions, we made our way to the old 1902 CNR Fergus station. Not much happening as evident of the rusted rails, some CNR OCS flat cars and the all too common boarded-up windows of defunct railway stations. As sad as it looks, one could only imagine of what this scene looked like at the turn of the century when trains ruled. Taken from my fathers collection...
Copyright Notice: This image ©Peter Lokun all rights reserved.

Caption: On another of my fathers famous country side excursions, we made our way to the old 1902 CNR Fergus station. Not much happening as evident of the rusted rails, some CNR OCS flat cars and the all too common boarded-up windows of defunct railway stations. As sad as it looks, one could only imagine of what this scene looked like at the turn of the century when trains ruled. Taken from my fathers collection...

Peter Lokun [36] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/03/1980 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CNR Fergus Sub (search)
City/Town: Fergus (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=53887
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Photo ID: 52572

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  1. Thank you Peter! Made my day, a new Fergus image! Any more in the collection?

  2. So many beautiful Ontario stations gone

  3. Nice. I like the fixed blade “Approach Signal”

  4. dwarn- I have a few more yes. It would be beneficial if they had a chat on here to request what area / railroad people are looking for…

  5. This is great. That’s neat with the OCS flat cars behind the building too.

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