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On a warm spring afternoon, 540 is near Guelph Sub track speed on its return trip back to their home terminal of Kitchener. 7521 is in charge on this leg of the run, and is one of many former hump yard service units that have kicked their legs out onto the road over the past year and a half. With the GMD-1s sold off or retired, and a handful of GP9RM's being retired as well by the months, CN has resorted to these 7500 series units to take their place, along with the purchase of 20 or so ex GMTX GP38-2s. Many of CNs ex Oakway SD60s, and SD40-2Ws have been given R/C capabilities and are taking on yard service roles at various terminals to substitute for these hitting the open road, although a number of SD40-2Ws have had R/C capability for some time now. Nonetheless, something different for anyone in areas where 4 axle power is utilized.
Copyright Notice: This image ©frmn2001 all rights reserved.

Caption: On a warm spring afternoon, 540 is near Guelph Sub track speed on its return trip back to their home terminal of Kitchener. 7521 is in charge on this leg of the run, and is one of many former hump yard service units that have kicked their legs out onto the road over the past year and a half. With the GMD-1s sold off or retired, and a handful of GP9RM's being retired as well by the months, CN has resorted to these 7500 series units to take their place, along with the purchase of 20 or so ex GMTX GP38-2s. Many of CNs ex Oakway SD60s, and SD40-2Ws have been given R/C capabilities and are taking on yard service roles at various terminals to substitute for these hitting the open road, although a number of SD40-2Ws have had R/C capability for some time now. Nonetheless, something different for anyone in areas where 4 axle power is utilized.

frmn2001 [87] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/11/2022 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 7521 (search)
Train Symbol: 540 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Guelph Sub (search)
City/Town: Mosborough (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=49353
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Photo ID: 48078

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One Comment
  1. The flanger sign has been used for a bit of target practice.

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