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On a very smoggy Saturday morning, July 26, 1980, CN ran a circle excursion to Washago ON with CN's 4-8-2 6060.  The train ran north on the Bala Subdivision and south on the Newmarket Subdivision.  The 13 car train was assisted by FPA-4 6785.  The photograph was taken just south of the Richmond Hill station.  It is interesting to see more than 20 "heads" hanging out of the cars.

Can someone please identify the 4th car on the train.
Copyright Notice: This image ©First954 all rights reserved.

Caption: On a very smoggy Saturday morning, July 26, 1980, CN ran a circle excursion to Washago ON with CN's 4-8-2 6060. The train ran north on the Bala Subdivision and south on the Newmarket Subdivision. The 13 car train was assisted by FPA-4 6785. The photograph was taken just south of the Richmond Hill station. It is interesting to see more than 20 "heads" hanging out of the cars. Can someone please identify the 4th car on the train.

First954 [290] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/26/1980 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 6060 CN 6785 (search)
Train Symbol: Extra 6060 North (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mile 20.5 Bala Sub (search)
City/Town: Richmond Hill (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=37301
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Photo ID: 36109

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  1. Awesome photo.
    The 4th car could be one of the 5 “Crusader” cars that CN bought from Reading RR. They also painted a baggage car black and silver to match these 5 cars. It may be one of those cars?

  2. ngineered4u….Thanks for the comment, but that car is definitely not an ex Crusader car. Door placement, skirting, and roof details are not correct for Crusader. My attention was elsewhere as it passed in front of me so never really noticed it until now.

  3. The mystery continues :-)

  4. I can’t ID that car persay, but there was a NRHS convention held in Toronto during the last week of July, 1980. There were a lot of privately owned cars around at this time, and this is likely one of them.

    A couple of other excursions involved a train that was almost entirely made up of PV and involved a Southern F-unit.

    For what it’s worth, I believe this train had two of the ex-Crusader cars on the rear.

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