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On a trip to the Hamilton farmers market at Centre mall, my father would detour over to Birmingham Ave to check out some TH&B action. Here's the Fisher yard office with a full Fisher yard. Back in those days there were a few jobs that started out of Fisher yard and one required a clearance to go up the Belt Line to the connecting Kinnear yard. The yard office and most of the tracks are long gone save two plus the Fisher main and the Stelco lead. Taken from my fathers collection
Copyright Notice: This image ©Peter Lokun all rights reserved.

Caption: On a trip to the Hamilton farmers market at Centre mall, my father would detour over to Birmingham Ave to check out some TH&B action. Here's the Fisher yard office with a full Fisher yard. Back in those days there were a few jobs that started out of Fisher yard and one required a clearance to go up the Belt Line to the connecting Kinnear yard. The yard office and most of the tracks are long gone save two plus the Fisher main and the Stelco lead. Taken from my fathers collection

Peter Lokun [36] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/03/1982 (search)
Railway: Toronto Hamilton and Buffalo (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: TH&B Belt line (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=53805
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Photo ID: 52490

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  1. When was this structure removed? Hoping the sign is preserved..

  2. Stephen Host- if I was to venture a guess I’d say mid to late 80’s when CP fully took over…

  3. I love the th&b green accents. So typical.

  4. The Fisher Yard office was razed in August of 1991, credit to Lance Brown.

  5. I worked several shifts at Fisher 1972 – 1973. If I recall there was a yard crew 24 hours per day during the week. If I recall we serviced Stelco, Dofasco and couple other industries. It was always a scramble for me living in Dundas after getting called off the spareboard to catch the right HSR buses to get to Fisher. Kinnear yard at that time had 2 yard crews in the afternoon, both went down the belt line. One job went out to Adams yard, switched M&T scrap metals, Columbia Carbon, CIL, Harvester and what ever else need service. The other Kinnear crew mostly spent the shift switching Proctor & Gamble plant. A busy little railroad those years.

  6. The run around track at fisher was recently disconnected. Only one lead goes down to Sherman and it seems most of the yard is out of service. Ballast cars were in the one lead twice last year but that’s it. Cp used to stage stelco cars here in the last years I saw action around 2011.

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