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On a beautiful Sunday morning, no trains were coming on the mainline and I had four hours to kill. I decided to go 'fishing' in Hamilton to see what I could find and I was handsomely rewarded, I managed to find CN 550, CP TH31 and a SOR job and just went between all three. Here's the first photo:CP Yard job crossing the SOR at grade by Gage Ave.
Track in Hamilton can be confusing, but let me try to help you. This is a CP Kinnear yard job, TH31 crossing at grade with the SOR N&NW Spur, protected by a fully automatic signalling system controlled by SOR Railterm dispatch in Dorval. The train was basically heading in the Northward direction on the Belt line and is arriving to start work. But, this isn't the Belt Line - it's the Beach Branch. If you look behind me you'd see the train crossing Gage Ave twice and the first crossing behind me is where the Beach Branch jct switch is - with the Belt Line continuing beyond Sherman Ave.  The track you see here, The Beach Branch continues alongside the SOR mainline for a mile - and a small Interchange yard (Four tracks in total with CP) and former Dofasco tracks (Disconnected) until after Ottawa St - where it joins CP's Adam's Yard (North side yard) and kind of ends somewhere around there. SOR has a small yard on the south side of Adam's yard also used for CP Interchange. All CP track is ex TH&B and CP retains joint access to just about all spurs that touch the CP's Belt Line and Beach Branch - so if you go fishing, you'll find them almost anywhere. Hope this helps - ask questions anytime  especially you young kids :)
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: On a beautiful Sunday morning, no trains were coming on the mainline and I had four hours to kill. I decided to go 'fishing' in Hamilton to see what I could find and I was handsomely rewarded, I managed to find CN 550, CP TH31 and a SOR job and just went between all three. Here's the first photo:CP Yard job crossing the SOR at grade by Gage Ave.

Track in Hamilton can be confusing, but let me try to help you. This is a CP Kinnear yard job, TH31 crossing at grade with the SOR N&NW Spur, protected by a fully automatic signalling system controlled by SOR Railterm dispatch in Dorval. The train was basically heading in the Northward direction on the Belt line and is arriving to start work. But, this isn't the Belt Line - it's the Beach Branch. If you look behind me you'd see the train crossing Gage Ave twice and the first crossing behind me is where the Beach Branch jct switch is - with the Belt Line continuing beyond Sherman Ave. The track you see here, The Beach Branch continues alongside the SOR mainline for a mile - and a small Interchange yard (Four tracks in total with CP) and former Dofasco tracks (Disconnected) until after Ottawa St - where it joins CP's Adam's Yard (North side yard) and kind of ends somewhere around there. SOR has a small yard on the south side of Adam's yard also used for CP Interchange. All CP track is ex TH&B and CP retains joint access to just about all spurs that touch the CP's Belt Line and Beach Branch - so if you go fishing, you'll find them almost anywhere. Hope this helps - ask questions anytime especially you young kids :)

Stephen C. Host [1542] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/28/2018 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 2270, CP 7307, CP 2319 (search)
Train Symbol: TH31 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Gage, CP Beach Branch (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=32041
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