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Old and New! Tuesday evening in Kitchener finds WCR 1556 (old passenger rail service in Waterloo) with ION LRV 508 (new passenger rail service in Waterloo) sitting almost side by side in the Lancaster St Yard. I personally am unaware of what 1556 was doing in the yard, (anyone who knows exactly what’s going on with her please let me know in a comment) but the LRV was headed to Waterloo Region that exact night on GEXR 584. 509 also went up with 508 and is behind 508 in this picture but the hopper between the 2 is blocking her out of the photo.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Graydon J all rights reserved.

Caption: Old and New! Tuesday evening in Kitchener finds WCR 1556 (old passenger rail service in Waterloo) with ION LRV 508 (new passenger rail service in Waterloo) sitting almost side by side in the Lancaster St Yard. I personally am unaware of what 1556 was doing in the yard, (anyone who knows exactly what’s going on with her please let me know in a comment) but the LRV was headed to Waterloo Region that exact night on GEXR 584. 509 also went up with 508 and is behind 508 in this picture but the hopper between the 2 is blocking her out of the photo.

Graydon J [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/17/2018 (search)
Railway: Waterloo Central (search)
Reporting Marks: WCR 1556, ION LRV 508 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Kitchener Yard, GEXR Guelph Sub (search)
City/Town: Kitchener (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=34073
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  1. Wonder how the welds are on that one???

  2. According to some information posted on one of the online groups, WCR 1556 may have been bought by/traded to OSR as part of the deal in which WCR acquired OSR S13′s 501/502.

  3. Dan, this observation is just coincidental evidence.

    From what I’ve been told WCR Purchased 501/502 from OSR. 1556 was not owned by WCR. Leased perhaps? Either way, the owners of 1556 are the Broadbears and have had the unit transferred from WCR to OSR property since WCR no longer requires this unit to protect their passenger excursions, 501/502 do that now.

    The Broadbear(s) are directors of OSR, so it makes sense why 1556 is in OSR land now. Essentially 1556 is on home rails now after an extended lease? to WCR.

    Does OSR own 1556 now? Doubtful, but we’ll see. I’m told it’s to be used for in-plant switching for OSR customers. 1556 is already in service down there, was seen working on Friday.

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