Caption: Of course if there is something "good" on #422 it just refuses to show on time. Yesterday I went out and the train came by Grimsby as advertised, roughly 0800, but no GT on it. Naturally. Today, the GT is on the lead. So what happens? No crews, apparently. When I heard it wasn't even out of Fort Erie at Noon, the only thing I
could do was drive down there to meet it. And there it sat. I was unaware that there would be no crew before 1400 until I got back home. A big thanks to Jazzy (Joe) Bishop for the heads up!!! CN #422: GT 8952, CN 2552, 2925 and 2035.
The joy of the chase!! Well done Arnold!!
Well thanks, Dave. To think as you posted, #422 went by my place in Grimsby at 1820. Kinda late!!
) Yesterday it was 0825.
You are no “couch potato “ Arnold ! Very nice picture, like the “framing “ with the branches and much prefer the GTW “blue” to CN black. Just a nice jaunt down to Fort Erie, and so much for precision railroading ! John
Oh I love my couch, John.
) But this train just seemed like it was avoiding me, and I wanted that GT, after missing it the first time it went by here. Beautiful day to be out.
This works! Glad that at least you got a shot of it!
Glad you got this! Man, it looks sharp on the point of a train. Next to the EJE and BC Rail ones, this is my favourite.
Thankee, Gents.
I shot an ordinary unobstructed view as well, of course, but I kinda like this framed shot.
Well done AW! I wish I was on that unit, taking it for a spin!
Yeah. Thanks. Thats why these ‘new’ units do not return the next day to Mac. The guys down at Port Rob want to “take’em for a spin”, and they do.
Ahh in the good old days I would just make a call and have it sent to Mac LOL
Great paint scheme and great capture Arnold! Did you know that this paint scheme scheme was once applied to marine vessels under CN such as the Newfoundland-Nova Scotia car ferry ‘MV William Carson’?