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Not the most scenic spot, it is the power combination that brought me out of the car for a photo. Any assortment of units is good to go as long as it pulls it seems. I'm pretty happy just to snag a GMD-1 in action here in Edmonton. I don't imagine, unless a real stroke of luck, that the 1438 leads very often. To me, it is playing a roll of "slug with an engine" in this set up. LOL The crew appeared to be sorting out cars that will probably head out on later shifts for dispersal.
Copyright Notice: This image ©L. Parks all rights reserved.

Caption: Not the most scenic spot, it is the power combination that brought me out of the car for a photo. Any assortment of units is good to go as long as it pulls it seems. I'm pretty happy just to snag a GMD-1 in action here in Edmonton. I don't imagine, unless a real stroke of luck, that the 1438 leads very often. To me, it is playing a roll of "slug with an engine" in this set up. LOL The crew appeared to be sorting out cars that will probably head out on later shifts for dispersal.

L. Parks [317] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/21/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 7520 (search)
Train Symbol: Yard Crew (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Clover Bar Yard (search)
City/Town: Edmonton (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41067
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Photo ID: 39860

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  1. Nice consist and photo Larry.

  2. So that is where 9482 got to! It spent a while in Brantford on 580/581

  3. Thanks Jason. :-)
    It wasn’t until later, when I transferred the images to my computer, that I noticed the 3 different paint schemes. The North America was a little lost on me in the excitement of finding the 1438 working the yard.

  4. Yes, I remember the photos you shot in 2018 of pure consists of GP40′s. Thanks for pointing that out Joseph. I enjoyed seeing those pictures, they reminded of the days when they first arrived and worked speed trains.

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