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I am very used to seeing the inverted cones on the spark arresters. The cylindrical shape is something quite unfamiliar. Cannot remember seeing 1300′s like that out west.
Yes the tubular exhausts stacks from the front spark arrestor are a rarity. Spark arrestors used to be fitted throughout the CN GP9 and SW1200RS fleets. I suppose somewhere, sometime there might have been a fire started in a field or the woods that was blamed on a diesel locomotive. But maybe it was just the government railway spending extra dollars to to reduce fire risk and noise. Apparently it was not enough of a concern to CP whose similar locos never had them. Whereas rail grinding operations routinely cause unintentional fires along the railway in dry conditions (and have water tankcars and firehoses to put them out).
I think the cylindrical pipe style was the earliest GMD version, delivered on a bunch of new units starting at 1338. Most of the earlier units were built with standard straight stacks, and later retrofitted (there’s a photo out there of 1301 switching in 1959 with GP9-style spark arrestors with no pipe extensions). The later tapered stack style became standard, although some units got the stubby short style found on GMD1′s.