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Not long for this world, ex-Penn Central 150 ton wrecking crane CR 50125 has been moved from its former home on the CASO in St. Thomas, ON to the CN Reclamation Yard in London, ON. This former facility on the outskirts of London was one of several such plants on CN's system where 'D-453' tagged rolling stock, wrecks, and other no longer needed equipment was sent to be 'permanently' removed from service.  Coulda, shoulda, woulda.  Oh how I wish I had taken more and better photos back when this yard was still active.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: Not long for this world, ex-Penn Central 150 ton wrecking crane CR 50125 has been moved from its former home on the CASO in St. Thomas, ON to the CN Reclamation Yard in London, ON. This former facility on the outskirts of London was one of several such plants on CN's system where 'D-453' tagged rolling stock, wrecks, and other no longer needed equipment was sent to be 'permanently' removed from service. Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Oh how I wish I had taken more and better photos back when this yard was still active.

Paul O'Shell [442] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/16/1991 (search)
Railway: Conrail (search)
Reporting Marks: CR 50125 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: London Reclamation Yard / Dundas, Sub. (search)
City/Town: London, ON (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=5865
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  1. Very cool stuff Paul! I’m really enjoying your photos, thanks for sending them in.


  2. Thanks Rob. I am glad to be able to share some of my photos with others. I only wish I had a better camera and took more and different photos back in the late 60′s through the late 80′s. During my tenure at CN, and now as a MOW equipment supplier, my unrestricted access to railways across Canada has allowed me to get a lot unique shots. Unfortunately, many of them won’t make it to the site due to poor quality, lighting or content. Enjoy.

  3. The date on this photo should read April 16, 1991 and not April 1976. P.

  4. A feature some may not be aware of, the reclamation yard would salvage the wooden boards supposedly once used to line some boxcars. They were sold to the public, though that may have been through a middleman.
    I had a home in an old part of London in the early 1980s & my neighbour behind asked me if I wanted to split on a new picket fence. He obtained the lumber from the aforementioned source, and that fence may well be there still. I thought boxcars were lined with plywood, but maybe someone out there knows where the boards were salvaged from, if not boxcars.

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