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Northwood Pulp 104 is seen switching the large mill just north of Prince George BC.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Matt Watson all rights reserved.

Caption: Northwood Pulp 104 is seen switching the large mill just north of Prince George BC.

Matt Watson [692] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/03/2016 (search)
Railway: Industrial (search)
Reporting Marks: Northwood Pulp 104 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Fraser Flats (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=35689
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Photo ID: 34498

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  1. Every time I see photos like this I wish I was roaming the countryside out there shooting this stuff for myself, but totally forgetting the distances involved. :o )

  2. awmooney – Yah I’d say 4000kms is a bit far to go to shoot a genset over a fence. ;)

  3. Arnold, these days active gensets are almost as rare as Alco’s.

  4. Funneeee……..but true, probably. The problem is this guy here is wandering all over the prairies shooting all kinds of neat stuff that is making my very soul yearn for a trip out that way. I’ve had my fill of the OSR for now. It is time to go places…….after the winter, that is…..:o)

  5. on BC Rail we called that area Fraserview. a few miles north of Bridge yard. The mill is or was Northwood Pulp & Paper.

  6. Northwood 102

  7. hoggerdoug – That could very well be correct, the trackside guide calls it Fraser Flats but it has been wrong before.

    Marcus Stevens – I think what Arnold is saying is that he wants me to post more photos of SD75s and Dash9s instead.

  8. Oh Gawd NO !!!

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