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Nober, where's Nober?   Well, if you follow the CASO west out of Hagersville on Concession 12 Walpole, the road crossed the CASO at Nober.  A nice clean NYC U28B, a GP40 and a GP35, followed up with a CB&Q Burlington Route U28B are heading westbound toward Waterford on the CASO. What's that brown car in the field?  Well, that's my 1961 Corvair parked on a laneway.  We didn't have time to close the doors as we ran accross the muddy field to grab this shot.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dave Burroughs all rights reserved.

Caption: Nober, where's Nober? Well, if you follow the CASO west out of Hagersville on Concession 12 Walpole, the road crossed the CASO at Nober. A nice clean NYC U28B, a GP40 and a GP35, followed up with a CB&Q Burlington Route U28B are heading westbound toward Waterford on the CASO. What's that brown car in the field? Well, that's my 1961 Corvair parked on a laneway. We didn't have time to close the doors as we ran accross the muddy field to grab this shot.

Dave Burroughs [128] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/1968 (search)
Railway: New York Central (search)
Reporting Marks: NYC 2868 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CASO Sub (search)
City/Town: Nober (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=35126
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Photo ID: 33936

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  1. It’s a shame the CASO is no more.

  2. The second-best reason to be around Canfield, Hagersville back then ( the first reason, for me, was the C&O……).
    The anticipation of whatever NYC could throw on a hotshot and get it over the road. Of course the newer power, like this, was beginning to dominate.
    This would be train LS-3, bound for the Streator connection south of Chicago.
    “Q” power was fairly common in 1967/1969.
    Dave, NYC 2830-2889 were early U30B.

  3. I would not have believed a Burlington unit was in Ontario without this photo.

  4. NYC and CB&Q setup a power pooling ( and run-thru business) arrangement sometime in mid1967. My first sighting of a ‘Q’ engine was Aug1967. You just never knew when and where they could show up, or how many. A few times it was 3 CBQ behind the lead NYC unit, but most times it was 2 or just 1.
    It continued briefly into the PC era but then stopped when Burlington Northern was created ( merger of CBQ, GN, NP ).

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