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New Cab Car on a train put together exclusively in new paint, obviously for Metrolinx cameras - Thanks Metrolinx! Looking good. We don't mind if you keep this together a while :) Engine on the train was GO 664.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: The latest addition to the GO fleet - New Cab Car 304 on a train put together exclusively in new 'metrolinx' paint, obviously for a photo op somewhere - Thanks Metrolinx! Looking good. We don't mind if you keep this together a while :) Engine on the train was GO 664 shoving to the rear. Next stop: Burlington GO.

Thanks to Michael Delic for the heads up on this one!

P.S - Metrolinx - what are the chances you can have one painted in the old scheme http://www.railwaygazette.com/news/passenger/single-view/view/more-bilevels-ordered-for-go-transit.html

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Stephen C. Host [1542] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/15/2015 (search)
Railway: GO Transit (search)
Reporting Marks: GO 304 (search)
Train Symbol: GO 913 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: GO Oakville Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Burlington (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=21137
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Photo ID: 20004

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  1. Great shot Steve!

  2. So. This is a thing.

  3. Think the warranty is on the ditch lights is still good?!

  4. Oscillating ditch lights Mark :P

  5. Most GO cabcars already have oscillating ditch light.Nice shot.

  6. AWESOME! Love ‘em! Love the paint job! Phooey to the haters!!! :)

  7. Dear Santa,

    I would like for Christmas a new GO train.

    Please make it run all the way to Niagara Falls so those who have to work in winter (read: everyone who has to work for a living) have reliable transportation unlike the bus which often gets cancelled.

    And please make it not have that silly metal 1-foot-wide duct or whatever that runs along the inside wall & floor. That’s where my feet are supposed to go.

    And please make it have luggage racks like NJT & other trains do – not everyone has the luxury of a permanent office downtown, some of us have to move from location to location and that means bringing our office with us in the form of a rolling suitcase.

    Other than that, don’t change a thing.

    Great shot, Steve, thanks for posting.

  8. Thanks Gang.

  9. Worse paint scheme ever!

  10. Wow – this has blown up. Thanks for viewing everyone!

    Just might beat the all-time views record by Mike – which was when the new GO paint scheme first came to light!


  11. Oooh something new on the GO….might be worth it to get out and shoot the GO now

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