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Never seen one of these before!  A young boy looks on as CN 6218 passes by on her own.  I believe she was heading for a location to turn the engine.  This photo is circa 1965.  Any help with the location and date would be appreciated.  Might be Stratford as the next pictures that I took were in Brantford.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dave Burroughs all rights reserved.

Caption: Never seen one of these before! A young boy looks on as CN 6218 passes by on her own. I believe she was heading for a location to turn the engine. This photo is circa 1965. Any help with the location and date would be appreciated. Might be Stratford as the next pictures that I took were in Brantford.

Dave Burroughs [128] (more) (contact)
Date: (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 6218 (search)
Train Symbol: Fan Trip (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Unknown (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=36062
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Photo ID: 34871

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  1. Unusual and classic view! Classic shot, too.

  2. How about dunnville on dunville sub Dave?

    Also wonder if that boy is a fan today :) and who it may be.

  3. Steve, good point. That may well be the spot. Unfortunately, no rails there any more to look at Google street view. With regards to the young boy, I wondered the same thing. He would be about 10 or so years younger than me putting him in his early 60′s. Maybe he will see the picture on here.

  4. TBH i’m going on memory of photos I’ve seen of Dunnville approx 1980 that Gene Burles posted (scenes without trains) that I studied in great detail.. he posted them about 10-13 years ago and they are no longer online.

    and this looks quite similar – double track, homes near the track, light rail.. but that’s just my memory.

  5. What a fantastic photo. Thanks for sharing. 6218 was the first steam engine I saw as kid of about the same age.

  6. Stratford. That house is still there, just with a bigger main floor window. Same metal railing on the front steps too. 22 Cobourg Ln.

  7. Ah, so it was Stratford. I thought so. Thanks for the confirmation of location.

  8. Good eye!

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