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Need some traction? A line up of locomotive wheel sets sit outside the diesel shop at MacMillan Yard in Vaughn on a cold April morning. The gear attached to the axle along with gears in the traction motors themselves will decide the gear ration and thus the top speed of the locomotive. 62:18(62 gear teeth mated with 18 teeth) is the ratio for a locomotive with a top speed of 65MPH
Copyright Notice: This image ©ngineered4u all rights reserved.

Caption: Need some traction? A line up of locomotive wheel sets sit outside the diesel shop at MacMillan Yard in Vaughn on a cold April morning. The gear attached to the axle along with gears in the traction motors themselves will decide the gear ration and thus the top speed of the locomotive. 62:18(62 gear teeth mated with 18 teeth) is the ratio for a locomotive with a top speed of 65MPH

ngineered4u [65] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/09/2016 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Mac Yard (search)
City/Town: Vaughn (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=24181
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Photo ID: 23032

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  1. I hope these are used wheel sets. Axles are ground and polished to a very fine finish. The smallest mark can render them unsafe to use so they would not be left out in the weather to rust. The CP wreck in Oshawa a few years ago was traced to a locomotive axle which had been replaced a few weeks before and had some scratches which were not properly polished out.

  2. @dhatley. Honestly I don’t know if these are used or new. Its hard to tell as some gears are wrapped in plastic and others looked greased. I will ask the shop guys next time i get the chance.
    I do remember the CP derailment in Oshawa.

  3. Pretty interesting shot. I would’ve asked the same question.

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