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My assumption is that this is the morning International, the AMTK train that passed thru Bayview around 0900 for Chicago from Toronto. But it sure doesn't look like one. Second unit is VIA 6901, an LRC-2. I have accounted for VIA #71 this morning, so this leaves me no other guess. Nice quiet morning, after all it is a Tuesday, and thats the way I liked it. 
Those LRCs were real lemons. Endless problems with them resulted in the whole fleet of 6900-6930 lasting about 20 years. The 6901 pictured was built 1980 (as was the AMTK) retired 2001 and sold to Industrial Rail Services in 2003. 
Photo shot using B/W 400 ISO medium format (2x3 inch negs) film in a graflex roll film holder in back of a 4x5 Speed Graphic. All that fumbling around when today one can just grab the digital and shoot!!
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: My assumption is that this is the morning International, the AMTK train that passed thru Bayview around 0900 for Chicago from Toronto. But it sure doesn't look like one. Second unit is VIA 6901, an LRC-2. I have accounted for VIA #71 this morning, so this leaves me no other guess. Nice quiet morning, after all it is a Tuesday, and thats the way I liked it. Those LRCs were real lemons. Endless problems with them resulted in the whole fleet of 6900-6930 lasting about 20 years. The 6901 pictured was built 1980 (as was the AMTK) retired 2001 and sold to Industrial Rail Services in 2003. Photo shot using B/W 400 ISO medium format (2x3 inch negs) film in a graflex roll film holder in back of a 4x5 Speed Graphic. All that fumbling around when today one can just grab the digital and shoot!!

A.W.Mooney [2208] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/11/1989 (search)
Railway: Amtrak (search)
Reporting Marks: AMTK 360 (search)
Train Symbol: #83 ?? (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Dundas Sub. (search)
City/Town: Bayview Junction (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43557
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Photo ID: 42335

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  1. OIS has made that infinitely easier as well. Especially on phones.

  2. That would definitely have been the International, based on the LRC car windows- they had the ex-Amtrak equipment on that train with the split window sills. Awesome catch with the LRC loco and Amtrak!

  3. Those ex-Amtrak “LRC-1″ cars were used on the International from 1988 to 1994. Two of the cars had an “AmCafe” style of configuration – the only two LRC service cars ever built.

  4. Thanks Jacob, and of course to “GO564″ for information. I’ll have to dig out some other old International images to check out the consists.

  5. When did the International switch to the northern route?

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