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Morning light shines on this scene at Eglinton Avenue West, as a six-car train of Hawker Siddeley subway cars departs Eglinton West Subway Station northbound on the new Spadina line, bound for Wilson station to the north. The first and last two cars appear to be earlier HSC models (the lead two are H1's), with the middle two cars being newer H5's ordered specifically for the new Spadina line extension.  Nearby, a colourful assortment of morning automobile traffic clogs the southbound off-ramp of the Allen Road waiting to turn onto Eglinton Avenue. Since the original Spadina Expressway plan got nixed by local and political opposition (which saved the neighbourhoods to the south that were to be bulldozed for it, plus the ravine lands and downtown Spadina Avenue), the completed expressway stub known as the Allen Road was dead-ended at Eglinton Avenue and dumped all its southbound traffic onto Eglinton. Backed-up traffic conditions are still a problem on this stretch today, with no real resolution possible: bulldozing well-established neighbourhoods for expressways went out of style with the 70's, the political fallout from doing such actions today would be massive, and all the high-priced Toronto real estate would make that kind of land expropriation a very costly affair.  Edward (Ted) Wickson photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Ted Wickson photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll all rights reserved.

Caption: Morning light shines on this scene at Eglinton Avenue West, as a six-car train of Hawker Siddeley subway cars departs Eglinton West Subway Station northbound on the new Spadina line, bound for Wilson station to the north. The first and last two cars appear to be earlier HSC models (the lead two are H1's), with the middle two cars being newer H5's ordered specifically for the new Spadina line extension.

Nearby, a colourful assortment of morning automobile traffic clogs the southbound off-ramp of the Allen Road waiting to turn onto Eglinton Avenue. Since the original Spadina Expressway plan got nixed by local and political opposition (which saved the neighbourhoods to the south that were to be bulldozed for it, plus the ravine lands and downtown Spadina Avenue), the completed expressway stub known as the Allen Road was dead-ended at Eglinton Avenue and dumped all its southbound traffic onto Eglinton. Backed-up traffic conditions are still a problem on this stretch today, with no real resolution possible: bulldozing well-established neighbourhoods for expressways went out of style with the 70's, the political fallout from doing such actions today would be massive, and all the high-priced Toronto real estate would make that kind of land expropriation a very costly affair.

Edward (Ted) Wickson photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection.

Ted Wickson photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll [1006] (more) (contact)
Date: 07/05/1978 (search)
Railway: Toronto Transit Commission (search)
Reporting Marks: TTC 54xx (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Eglinton West Subway Station - Spadina Line (search)
City/Town: Toronto (North York) (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=37753
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