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May 1961 Wabash Canadian-built F7 666 is displaying  green flags as it and 3 identical cab units bring an eastbound into Canfield Junction with another Red Ball freight for Buffalo connections. It could well be that the first bunch of box cars will be dropped off at Welland Jct. for the local Wabash job to take to Niagara Falls and connect with Lehigh Valley RR. Since we don’t know the time of day of this photo, we can only presume this is Wabash train SB-4 operating as train First 82. A lot of miscellaneous items can be seen to the left of the train including spare parts for trackwork, and a gondola parked on the Dunnville Sub. connecting track
Copyright Notice: This image ©Doug Page all rights reserved.

Caption: May 1961 Wabash Canadian-built F7 666 is displaying green flags as it and 3 identical cab units bring an eastbound into Canfield Junction with another Red Ball freight for Buffalo connections. It could well be that the first bunch of box cars will be dropped off at Welland Jct. for the local Wabash job to take to Niagara Falls and connect with Lehigh Valley RR. Since we don’t know the time of day of this photo, we can only presume this is Wabash train SB-4 operating as train First 82. A lot of miscellaneous items can be seen to the left of the train including spare parts for trackwork, and a gondola parked on the Dunnville Sub. connecting track

Doug Page [380] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/1961 (search)
Railway: Wabash (search)
Reporting Marks: WAB 666 (search)
Train Symbol: 82 (CN Symbol) SB-4 (Wabash symbol) (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Cayuga Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Canfield (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=28879
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Photo ID: 27712

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  1. Great stuff. Anyone know how many Wabash F’s were on the roster for Canadian service?

  2. In late 1950/early 1951, Wabash bought 1 GP7, the 453, and 20 F7′s from GMD London. These were specifically for use on their St Thomas Division trains. As traffic patterns changed and business levels were altered, nearly half of these left Canadian service and were utilized in the USA until being retired/traded-in for newer diesels by N&W. By mid-1966 there were only 11 cab units and the 453/3453 remaining.

  3. Thank you Bruce for this information.

  4. Wonderful “Canada Airline” picture with strikingly painted F units ! These Canadian built Wabash units were really classy, and they often ran them elephant style, something not seen very often in 1961 in Toronto. Doug, thank you for this classic picture. Maybe it was because you lived in Hamilton and I lived in Toronto (a city too far) that you frequented Canfield, the Airline, CASO/C&O much more often, and am very glad you did
    Nicely written and informative caption. Thank you.

  5. Doug had a summer cottage at Lake Erie Canfield was only a short drive for him

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